Robin PEMANTLE'S available papers

Book (with Henri Picciotto, September, 2024):


Routledge website for "There is No One Way to Teach Math"

Book (with Mark Wilson and Steve Melczer, January, 2024):

"Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables"


Baryshnikov, Y., Jin, K. and Pemantle, R. (2024). Coefficient asymptotics of algebraic multivariable generating functions. La Matematica, to appear, 40 pages.

Baryshnikov, Y., Melczer, S. and Pemantle, R. (2024). Asymptotics of multivariate sequences in the presence of a lacuna. Ann. IHP, to appear, 45 pages.

Baryshnikov, Y., Melczer, S. and Pemantle, R. (2024). Asymptotics of multivariate sequences IV: generating functions with poles on a hyperplane arrangement. Annals of Combinatorics, vol. 28, pages 169--221.     Published online 13 June, 2023, DOI 10.1007/s00026-023-00654-2.

Baryshnikov, Y., Melczer, S. and Pemantle, R. (2021). Stationary points at infinity for analytic combinatorics. Found. Comp. Math. DOI:

Fahrang-Sardroodi, S., Komarova, N., Michelen, M. and Pemantle, R. (2021). Success probability for selectively neutral invading species in the line model. Studies in Applied Mathematics, vol. 146, no. 4, pages 1023-1049.

S. Melczer, G. Panova and R. Pemantle (2020). Counting partitions in a rectangle. SIAM J. Disc. Math., Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 2388-2410.

Alon, N., Mossel, E. and Pemantle, R. (2020). Corruption detection on networks. Theory of Computing, vol 16, Article 1, pages 1-23.

Michelen, M., Pemantle, R. and Rosenberg, J. (2020). Quenched Survival of Bernoulli Percolation on Galton-Watson Trees. Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 181 no. 4), 1323-1364

Melczer, S., Mishna, M. and Pemantle, R. (2020). Combinatorial Adventures in Analysis, Algebra, and Topology. AMS Notices, vol. 67, no. 2, pages 262--265. DOI: .

Michelen, M., Pemantle, R. and Rosenberg, J. (2019). Invasion percolation on Galton-Watson trees. Elec. J. Prob., vol. 24, paper no. 31, 1-35.

Holden, N., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (2018). Subpolynomial trace reconstruction for random strings and arbitrary deletion probability. Mathematical Statistics and Learning. Volume 2, Issue 3/4, 2019, pp. 275–309 DOI: 10.4171/MSL/16

Pemantle, R. (2019). Handbook of Enumerative Combinatorics book review. Bulletin of the AMS, Volume 56, Number 1, January 2019, Pages 159–164.

Mutz, D., Pemantle, R. and Pham, P. (2019). The perils of balance testing in experimental design: messy analyses of clean data. The American Statistician, vol. 73, number 1, pages 32-42.

Baryshnikov, Y., Melczer, S., Pemantle, R. and Straub, A. (2018). Diagonal asymptotics for symmetric rational functions via ACSV. Extended Abstract, 12 pages.

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (2017). Non-universality for longest increasing subsequence of a random walk. ALEA, vol. 14, pages 327-336.

Lazar, E. and Pemantle, R. (2017). Coarsening in one dimension: invariant and asymptotic states. Israel J. Math, vol. 221, pages 59-84.

Pemantle, R., and Subramanian, S. (2017). Zeros of a random analytic function approach perfect spacing under repeated differentiation. Trans. AMS, vol. 369, no. 12, pages 8743-8764.

Satopaa, V., Jensen, S., Pemantle, R. and Ungar, L. (2017). Partial Information Framework: aggregating estimates from diverse information sources. Elec. J. Stat., vol. 11, pages 3781-3814.

Ghosh, S., Liggett, T. and Pemantle, R. (2017). Multivariate CLT follows from strong Rayleigh property. 2017 Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO), pages 139-147.

Ernst, P., Pemantle, R., Satopaa, V. and Ungar, L. (2016). Bayesian aggregation of two forecasts in the partial information framework. Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 119, pages 170-180.

Satopaa, V., Pemantle, R. and Ungar, L. (2016). Modeling probability forecasts via information diversity. JASA, vol. 111, pages 1623-1633.

Pemantle, R., Peres, Y. and Rivin, I. (2016). Four random permutations conjugated by an adversary generate S_n with high probability. Rand. Struct. Alg., vol. 49, pages 409-428.

Kenyon, R. and Pemantle, R. (2016). Double-dimers, the Ising model and the hexahedron recurrence. J. Comb. Theory, ser. A, vol. 137, pages 27--63.

Mutz, D. and Pemantle, R. (2015). Standards for Experimental Research: Encouraging a Better Understanding of Experimental Methods. Journal of Experimental Political Science, Volume 2, Issue 2, pages 192 - 215.

Pemantle, R. (2015). What You (Should) Get out of Freshman Calculus. In: Mathematics for the Curioius: Why study Mathematics? K. Vaidya, editor. ISBN: 978-1-925128-16-1. Curious Academic Publishing: Canberra.

Pak, I. and Pemantle, R. (2015). On the longest k-alternating subsequence. Elec. J. Comb., vol. 22, Issue 1, paper 1.48.

Kenyon, R. and Pemantle, R. (2014). Principal minors and rhombus tilings. J. Physics A, vol. 47, 474010.

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (2014). Concentration of Lipschitz functionals of determinantal and other strong Rayleigh measures. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, vol. 23, pages 140--160.

Pemantle, R. and Rivin, I. (2013). The distribution of zeros of the derivative of a random polynomial. In: Proceedings of the Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra (W80), I. Kotsireas and E. Zima, editors, pages 259-273.

Pemantle, R. (2012). Hyperbolicity and stable polynomials in combinatorics and probability. In: Current Development in Mathematics, Proceedings of the 2011 conference, pages 57--124. Jerison, Mazur, Mrowka, Schmid and Stanley, editors. International Press: Somerville, MA.

Croot, E., Granville, A., Pemantle, R. and Tetali, P. (2012). Sharp transitions in making squares. Ann. Math., vol. 175, pages 1--45

DeVries, T., van der Hoeven, J. and Pemantle, R. (2011). Automatic asymptotics for coefficients of smooth, bivariate rational functions. Online J. Anal. Comb., vol. 6, 24 pages.

Baryshnikov, Y. and Pemantle, R. (2011). Asymptotics of multivariate sequences, part III: quadratic points. Adv. Math., vol. 228, pages 3127--3206.

Baryshnikov, Y., Brady, W., Bressler, A. and Pemantle, R. (2010). Two-dimensional quantum random walk. J. Stat. Phys. vol. 142, pages 78--107. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Wilson, M. (2010). Asymptotic expansions of oscillatory integrals with complex phase. In: Algorithmic Probability and Combinatorics, AMS Contemporary Mathematics series, vol. 520, pages 221--240.   Erratum: in Theorem 4.1 the d/2 in the exponent of the asymptotic series should have a negative sign in front of it.

Bressler, A., Greenwood, T., Pemantle, R. and Petkovsek, M. (2010). Quantum random walk on the integer lattice: examples and phenomena. In: Algorithmic Probability and Combinatorics, AMS Contemporary Mathematics series, vol. 520, pages 41--60.

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (2010). The critical Ising model on trees, concave recursions and nonlinear capacity. Ann. Probab. vol. 38, pages 184-206. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (2010). Analytic combinatorics in d variables: an overview. In: Algorithmic Probability and Combinatorics, AMS Contemporary Mathematics series, vol. 520, pages 195--220.

Pemantle, R. and Wilf, H. (2009). Counting nondecreasing integer sequences lying below a barrier. Elec. J. Comb., vol. 16, no. 1, research paper no. 1.

Pemantle, R. (2009). Search cost for a nearly optimal path in a binary tree. Ann. Appl. Prob. vol. 19, pages 1273-1291.

Holroyd, A., Pemantle, R., Peres, Y. and Schramm, O. (2009). Poisson matchings. Ann. IHP Prob. Stat. vol. 45, pages 266-287.

Argiento, R., Pemantle, R., Skyrms, B. and Volkov, S. (2009). Learning to signal: analysis of a micro-level reinforcement model. Stoch. Proc. Appl., vo. 119, pages 373-390. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Wilson, M. (2008). Twenty combinatorial examples of asymptotics derived from multivariate generating functions. SIAM Review, vol. 50, pages 199-272.         A directory of worksheets that accompany the paper

Croot, E., Granville, A., Pemantle, R. and Tetali, P. (2008). Running time predictions for factoring algorithms. Proceedings of the Algorithms in Number Theory Seminar VIII (Banff), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5011, pages 1--36 (Springer).

Balogh, J. and Pemantle, R. (2007). The Klee-Minty random edge chain moves with linear speed. Random Structures and Algorithms, web-published September, 2006. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Schneider, C. (2007). When is 0.999... equal to 1? American Mathematical Monthly, volume 114, April issue. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (2007). What is the probability of intersecting the set of Brownian double points? Annals of Probability, vol. 35 no. 6, pages 2044-2062. click here for -> PostScript version (not as recent as pdf version)

Pemantle, R. (2007). A survey of random processes with reinforcement. Probability Surveys, volume 4, pages 1-79. click here for -> PostScript version

Bressler, A. and Pemantle, R. (2007). Quantum random walks in one dimension via generating functions [extended abstract]. DMTCS Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms, 10 pages.

Corteel, S., Louchard, G. and Pemantle, R. (2006). Common intervals in permutations. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 8, pages 189-214. (Extended abstract, 11 pages).

Pemantle, R. and Ward, M. (2006). Exploring the average values of Boolean functions via asymptotics and experimentation. In: The Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Analytic Algorithmic and Combinatorics (ANALCO'06).

Pemantle, R. (2005). A probabilistic model for the degree of the cancellation polynomial in Gosper's Algorithm. J. Algorithms, vol. 54, pages 58--71. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (2005). Cycles in k-ary random maps and poor performance of random random number generators. J. Algorithms, vol. 54, pages 72-84. click here for -> PostScript version

Hitczenko, P. and Pemantle, R. (2005). Central Limit Theorem for the Size of the Range of a Renewal Process. Stat. and Prob. Letters. vol. 72, pages 249-264. click here for -> PostScript version

Limic, V. and Pemantle, R. (2004). More rigorous results on the Kauffman-Levin model of evolution. Ann. Probab., vol. 32, pages 2149-2178. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Wilson, M. (2004). Asymptotics of multivariate sequences, part II: multiple points of the singular variety. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, vol. 13, no. 4., pages 735-761. click here for -> PostScript version

Bender, E., Lawler, G., Pemantle, R. and Wilf, H. (2004). Irreducible compositions and the first return to the origin of a random walk. In: Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol 50, paper B50h (13 pages).

Skyrms, B. and Pemantle, R. (2004). Learning to Network. In: The place of probability in science, ed. Ellery Eells and James Fetzer. Open Court.

Kakade, S., Kearns, M., Ortiz, L., Pemantle, R. and Suri, S. (2004). The economics of social networks. In: Proceedings of NIPS, 2004. Extended abstract, 11 pages. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Skyrms, B. (2003). Time to absorption in discounted reinforcement models. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 109, 1-12. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Skyrms, B. (2003). Network formation by reinforcement learning: the long and medium run. Math. Soc. Sci, to appear. click here for -> PostScript version

Cohn, H., Pemantle, R. and Propp, J. (2002). Generating a random sink-free orientation in quadratic time. Elec. J. Comb., vol. 9, issue 1, paper R10. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Wilson, M. (2002). Asymptotics of multivariate sequences, part I: smooth points of the singular variety. J. Comb. Theory, Series A, vol. 97, 129-161. click here for -> PostScript version < > erratum

Levin, D., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (2001). A phase transition in random coin tossing. Ann. Probab. vol. 29, 1637-1669. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Stacey, A. The branching random walk and contact process on Galton-Watson and nonhomogeneous trees. Ann. Probab. 29 (2001), no. 4, 1563-1590.

Pemantle, R. (2000). Toward a theory of negative dependence. J. Math. Phys., 41, 1371 - 1390. click here for -> PostScript version

Haggstrom, O. and Pemantle, R. (2000). Absence of mutual unbounded growth for almost all parameter values in the two-type Richardson model. Stoch. Pro. Appl., 90, 207 - 222. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (2000). Non-amenable products are not treeable. Israel J. Math, 118, 147-155. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (2000). Generating functions with high-order poles are nearly polynomial. In: Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, trees, combinatorics and probabilities. Birkhauser: Basel. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R., Peres, Y., Pitman, J. and Yor, M. (2000). Where did the Brownian particle go? Elec. J. Prob vol. 6, paper 10, 22 pages. click here for -> PostScript version

Khoshnevisan, D. and Pemantle, R. (2000). Sojourn times for Brownian sheet. Period. Math. Hungar. vol. 41, 187-194. click here for -> PostScript version

Skyrms, B. and Pemantle, R. (2000). A dynamic model of social network formation. Proc. NAS, 97, 9340-9346.

Haggstrom, O. and Pemantle, R. (1999). On near-critical and dynamical percolation in the tree case. Rand. Struct. Alg., 15, 311 - 318. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Volkov, S. (1999). Vertex-reinforced random walk on Z has finite range. Ann. Probab., 27, 1368 - 1388. Errata: (1) The hypothesis that |J| = 5 is missing from Lemma 4.2; (2) Lemma 3.3 requires fixing: click here
click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Steif, J. (1999). Robust Phase Transitions for Heisenberg and Other Models on General Trees. Ann. Probab., 27, 876 - 912. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Rosenthal, J. (1999). Moment conditions for a sequence with negative drift to be uniformly bounded in L^r. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 82, 143 - 155. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Volkov, S. (1998). Markov chains in a field of traps. J. Theor. Prob., 11, 561 - 569. click here for -> PostScript version

Haggstrom, O. and Pemantle, R. (1998). First passage percolation and a model for competing spatial growth. J. Appl. Prob., 35, 683 - 692. click here for -> PostScript version

Adelman, O., Burdzy, K. and Pemantle, R. (1998). Sets avoided by Brownian motion. Ann. Prob., 26, 429 - 464. click here for -> PostScript version

Benjamini, I., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1998). Unpredictable paths and percolation. Ann. Probab., 26, 1198 - 1211. click here for -> PostScript version

Lyons, R., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1998). Resistance bounds for first-passage percolation and maximum flow. J. Comb. Th., ser A, 86, 158 - 168. click here for -> PostScript version

Barlow, M., Pemantle, R. and Perkins, E. (1997). Diffusion limited aggregation on a homogeneous tree. Prob. Th. Rel. Fields, 107, 1 - 60. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (1997). Sharpness of second moment criteria for branching and tree-indexed processes. In: Classical and modern branching processes,, 257 - 262, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 84,. Springer: New York. click here for -> PostScript version

Lyons, R., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1997). Unsolved problems concerning random walks on trees. In: Classical and modern branching processes, 223 - 237, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 84,. Springer: New York. (Corrected version) Click here for -> errata sheet

Kurtz, T., Lyons, R., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1997). A conceptual proof of the Kesten-Stigum Theorem for multi-type branching processes. In: Classical and modern branching processes,, 181 - 186, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 84,. Springer: New York.

Bishop, C., Jones, P., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1997). Brownian frontier has dimension greater than 1. J. Func. Anal., 43, 309 - 336.

Hwang, J. and Pemantle, R. (1997). Evaluators of estimates of statistical significance under a class of proper loss functions. Statistics and Decisions, 15, 103 - 128.

Chayes, L., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1997). No directed fractal percolation in zero area. J. Stat. Phys., 88, 1353 - 1362. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (1996). The probability that Brownian motion almost covers a line. Ann. IHP, Prob. and Stat., 33, 147 - 165. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (1996). Maximum variation of total risk. Stat. Prob. Letters, 28, pages 285 - 289. click here for -> PostScript version

Benjamini, I., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1996). Random walks in varying dimensions. J. Theor. Prob., 9, 231 - 244. click here for -> PostScript version

Lyons, R., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1996). Random walks on the Lamplighter group. Ann. Probab., 24, 1993 - 2006. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1996). On which graphs are all random walks in random environments transient? In: Random Discrete Structures, 207 - 211, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 76,. Springer: New York.

Pemantle, R., Peres, Y. and Shapiro, J. (1996). The trace of spatial Brownian motion is capacity-equivalent to the unit square. P.T.R.F., 106, 379 - 399. click here for -> PostScript version

Lyons, R., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1996). Biased random walks on Galton-Watson trees. P.T.R.F., 106, 249 - 264. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1995). Critical RWRE on trees and tree-indexed random walks. Ann. Probab., 23, 105 - 140. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1995). Galton-Watson trees with the same mean have the same polar sets. Ann. Probab., 23, 1102 - 1124. click here for -> PostScript version

Benjamini, I., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1995). Martin capacity for Markov chains. Ann. Probab., 23, 1332 - 1346. click here for -> PostScript version

Lyons, R., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1995). A conceptual proof of the Kesten-Stigum theorem. Ann. Probab., 23, 1125 - 1138. click here for -> PostScript version

Diaconis, P., Holmes, S., Janson, S., Lalley, S. and Pemantle, R. (1995). Metrics on compositions and coincidences among renewal processes. In: Random Discrete Structures, 81 - 101, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 76,. Springer: New York.

Lyons, R., Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1995). Ergodic Theory on Galton Watson trees: Speed of random walk and dimension of harmonic measure on Galton-Watson trees. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 15, 593 - 619.

Pemantle, R. (1995). Tree-indexed processes. Stat. Sci., 5, 200 - 213. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1994). Domination between trees and application to an explosion problem. Ann. Probab., 22, 180 - 194. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Peres, Y. (1994). Planar first-passage times are not tight. In: Probability and Phase Transition, G. Grimmett Editor, 261 - 264. Kluwer: Boston. click here for -> Published version in PostScript

Pemantle, R. (1994). A shuffle that mixes sets of any fixed size much faster than it mixes the whole deck. Rand. Struct. Alg., 9, 609 - 625. click here for -> PostScript version
Pemantle, R. (1994). Uniform random spanning trees. In: Topics in contemporary probability and its applications, J. L. Snell, editor, pages 1 - 54. CRC Press: Boca Raton. click here for -> PostScript version

Burton, R. and Pemantle, R. (1993). Local characteristics, entropy and limit theorems for uniform spanning trees and domino tilings via transfer-impedances. Ann. Prob., 21, 1329 - 1371. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (1993). Critical RWRE on trees of exponential growth. Proc. Sem. Stoch. Pro. 1992, Burdzy and Bass, editors,, 221 - 240. click here for -> PostScript version

Fill, J. and Pemantle, R. (1993). Oriented percolation, first-passage percolation and covering times for Richardson's model on the n-cube. Ann. Appl. Prob., 3, 593 - 629. click here for -> PostScript version

Lyons, R. and Pemantle, R. (1992). Random walk in a random environment and first-passage percolation on trees. Ann. Probab., 20, 125 - 136.

Pemantle, R., Propp, J. and Ullman, D. (1992). On tensor powers of integer programs. SIAM J. Disc. Math., 5, 127 - 143.

Pemantle, R. (1992). Automorphism-invariant measures on trees. Ann. Probab., 20, 1549 - 1566. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (1992). The contact process on trees. Ann. Probab., 20, 2089 - 2116. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. and Penrose, M. (1992). On path integrals for the high-dimensional Brownian bridge. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 44, 381 - 390. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (1991). When are touchpoints limits for generalized Polya urns? Proc. AMS, 113, 235 - 243.

Pemantle, R. (1991). Choosing a spanning tree for the integer lattice uniformly. Ann. Probab., 19, 1559 - 1574. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (1990). Nonconvergence to unstable points in urn models and stochastic approximations. Ann. Probab., 18, 698 - 712.

Pemantle, R. (1990). A time-dependent version of Polya's urn. Jour. Theor. Prob., 3, 627 - 637.

Pemantle, R. (1990). Vertex-reinforced random walk. Prob. Theor. and Rel. Fields, 92, 117 - 136. click here for -> PostScript version

Pemantle, R. (1989). Randomization time for the overhand shuffle. J. Theor. Prob., 2, 37 - 49.

Pemantle, R. (1988). Phase transition in reinforced random walk and RWRE on trees. Ann. Probab., 16, 1229 - 1241.



Pemantle, R. (1988). Random Processes with Reinforcement. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ph.D. Students

Jin, Kaitian (2024). Coefficient asymptotics of multivariable algebraic power series and rational power series with pseudo multiple points. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Goodman, Eric (2022). Counting extreme points from Poisson processes on a half line. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Gillen, Stephen (2022). Geometry of gradient flows for analytic combinatorics. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Xia, Jiaming (2022). Asymptotic properties of disordered systems. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Michelen, Marcus (2019). Percolation on Galton-Watson trees. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Rosenberg, Josh (2018). Sharp thesholds for the frog model and related systems. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Chen, Albert (2018). Opinion Broadcasting Model. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Greenwood, Torin (2015). Asymptotics of bivariate generating functions with algebraic singularities. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Poh, Julius (2015). Shape and other properties of 1324-avoiding permutations. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Subramanian, Sneha (2014). Zeros, critical points and coefficients of random functions. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Ding, Shanshan (2014). A random walk in representations. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Abuzzahab, Omar (2013). The 2-core of a Random Inhomogeneous Hypergraph. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Kariv, Jonathan (2013). Broken Telephone, an analysis of a reinforced process. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

DeVries, Tim (2011). Algorithms for bivariate singularity analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Lugo, Michael (2010). Profiles of large combinatorial structures. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Bressler, Andrew (2009). Quantum Random Walks on the Integer Lattice Via Generating Functions. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Zhu, Tong (2009). Nonlinear Polya Urn Models and Self-Organizing Processes. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Lladser, Manuel (2003). Asymptotic Enumeration via Singularity Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University.

Masters Students

Zhou, Weichen (2021). Advantage of mutants in a stochastically selectively neutral environment. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Son, Jaesung (2018). Mean-field theory of spin glasses and Boolean satisfiability. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Pham, Phil (2016). Just how easy is it to cheat a linear regression? Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Cao, Chang (2015). Stochastic process and Girsanov theory. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Jiao, Kevin (2014). The range of two dimensional simple random walk. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Choi, Brian (2012). Proof of the Hartman-Wintner Law of the Iterated Logarithm. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Du, Peter (2011). The Aztec diamond edge-probability generating function. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Brady, William (2007). Quantum Random Walks on Z^2. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Dicker, Lee (2006). Coloring a d >= 3 dimensional lattice with two independent random walks. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

Utgoff, Naomi (2005). Credible Signalling in the "Letters of Recommendation" Game. Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania.

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