Some of my favorite cats studying CATegory theory

Submissions open! Anyone is welcome to send me pictures of their cat doing math to feature on this page.

Keats doing math

Peanut doing math

Phantom and Puck doing math

(courtesy of Tony Elmendorf)

Puff doing math

(courtesy of Lara Merling and Kevin Cashman)

Daisy doing math

(courtesy of Maximilien Peroux)

Infty doing math

(courtesy of Jianing Yang)

Job doing math

(courtesy of Maxine Calle)

Neva doing math

(courtesy of Renee Hoekzema)

Penny doing math

(courtesy of Tianyue Liu)

Smush doing math

(courtesy of Emily Riehl and Liz Flyntz)

Bernardo doing math

(courtesy of Eugenia Ellis and Bernardo's collaborator, Gisela Tartaglia)

More cats doing math

Zeus, doing math with Simona (courtesy of Simona Paoli and her neighbor Kerry) Malysz, studying ergodic theory from lectures by Uri Bader (courtesy of Jarek Kedra)

Mortka, contemplating the tree of F2 (courtesy of Jared Kedra) Houdini, thinking about math (courtesy of Tony Elmendorf)

More to come: Rascal, Pancake, Willow, Hank... if I ever get to do math with them