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We will use canvas to upload grades, post homework, make announcements, and share course notes. "https://canvas.upenn.edu/"
Students can discuss problems with each other or seek tips from books, articles or online rescources. But it is wrong to simply copy from any source. See Penn Office of Student Conduct.
Students with disbilities shall contact SDS directly.
Penn Math Calculus Help Page. LINK .
Your grade for the course will be determined based on the following factors:
The 1st Midterm Exam : 25%The 1st Midterm : In class, Oct. 2.
The 2nd Midterm: In class, Nov. 6.
Final Exam : Wednesday, Dec. 19, 9 -11 am.
Homework will be assigned weakly and due at the lecture the following Thursday. Late homework will not be accepted but the lowest homework score will be dropped.
Aug. 28, First Day of Classes.
Oct. 2, First Midterm Exam
Oct. 4-7, No Class (Fall break).
Oct. 8, Drop Period ends.
Nov. 6 , Second Midterm exam.
Nov. 9, Last day to withdraw from a course.
Dec. 6, Last day of classes of this course.
Dec. 11-12, Reading days.