Note: Towards the end of these notes are some
pages that are in color.
If you intend to print out the notes, then for those
pages at least, use a color printer if possible.
Accompanying these notes is a Maple package "EastWest"
for the generation of combinatorial objects. This package
will do any of the six functions Count, List, Rank,
Random, Unrank, Successor, on any of the seven
combinatorial families
- k-subsets of an n-set
- permutations of n things with k cycles
- partitions of a set of n things with k classes
- partitions of an integer n into k parts
- ordered partitions of n into k nonnegative parts
- permutations of n letters with k runs
- partitions of an integer n whose largest part is
or 42 tasks altogether. Additional families can easily
be incorporated into the package. Comments and bug
reports are invited. The package is a Maple file
"EastWest.m". To use the package,
- 1. Download it to your computer.
2. Open a Maple worksheet.
3. Enter
read `/your path.../EastWest.m`;
in a line on the worksheet.
4. Enter
to view a description of the
functions that are available.
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