"Fifty-four African Countries, circa 2003" To the tune of "Turkey in the Straw", words by RP. Scanning notes: Unstressed pickup beats are in parentheses; the ending "ia" is pronounced as one syllable except in "Tanzania". (There's Mo)rocco, Mauritania, then Mauritius and Botswana, (Central) African Republic, Ethiopia and Ghana, (Niger), Chad, Sudan and Mali, Madagascar and Algeria, Swaziland, South Africa, Lesotho and Liberia. Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe once Rhodesia, Mozambique and Kenya, Egypt and Tunisia, (Sao To)me and Principe, Burundi and Rwanda, Guinea-Bissau, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Uganda. (The Re)public of the Congo's to the west of Tanzania, (While So)malia and Djibouti are just South of Eritrea. (Just plain) Congo's South of Cameroon, Malawi's next to Zambia; (In the) west you'll find that Senegal's both North and South of Gambia. (Ni)geria, Gabon; Guinea, Togo, Libya, Then Sierra Leone; (Be)nin, Seychelles, Namibia. (Should Cape) Verde count, and Comoros? (Is An)gola still gone commie? (Is Sa)hara yet a sovereign state or not? I want my mommy!