Math 5460 versus Math 6480-6490: The graduate probability course Math 6480-6490 has bifurcated into two courses, Math/AMCS 5460 and Math 6480-6490 (cross-listed Stat 9300-9310). Both involve the foundations of measure theoretic probability theory. Math 6480 spends more time on proofs of the major theorems. It is intended for Ph.D. students in areas such as math and statistics, whose research may involve creating new theorems. The new 5460 is also a measure-theoretic treatment and handles the definitions and constuctions at the same level as does Math 6480-6490. However, it replaces some of the time spent on proofs of classical theorems with the formulation and analysis of probability models. For example these may include hidden Markov models, latent Dirichlet models, micro-arrays, theory of information channels, stochastic approximation and gradient descent, preferential attachment, and randomized algorithms. Math 5460 is intended for students planning graduate study in any field that makes use of probability. While it is presently only a one-semester course, the topic coverage will not be restricted to 6480 but will cover a good part of 6490 as well. Teaching methodology will be project oriented and partially flipped, giving students a chance to spend significant class time on deeper study of specific models of interest to them. We strongly urge any student other than Math and Stat Ph.D. students to check out both. Math 6480-6490 is a fall-spring sequence. Math 5460 is offered in the spring semester in the 2024-25 year.