Selected Answers to Problem Set 5

1. i) |c - 0.5| < 0.25 implies that both c - 0.5 < 0.25 and -(c - 0.5) < 0.25.
      Then c < 0.75 and c > 0.25.  So the probability that 0.25 < c < 0.75 is 50%.
2. v) You can either solve this for r (or s) and find the integral, or convert this
      into polar coordinates.  The former is an integral between 0 and sqrt(2)/2 of sqrt(1/2 - x2).
      Converting to polar coordinates, we find the integral is:
      Or simply realize that the area of a circle is r2*Pi.  In this case,
      r = sqrt(2)/2, so this yields Pi/2.  One-fourth of the circle (in the first quadrant)
      yields Pi/8.

2. We'll take the real number line between 0 and 1 to represent arriving between 2:00 and 3:00.
We let P(T < t) = |s - r| < t, where s, r are the arrival times.  The plot is as shown:
This is an example with t = 1/2. The area outside the boxes is (1-t)2, so the area inside is 1-(1-t)2, or 2t - t2. Our equation is the derivative of this; we let f(t) = 2 - 2t. The expected value is the integral from 0 to 1 of t times f(t) (divided by the area of the square, which naturally is one).

This answer comes out to 1/3, which in our terms is twenty minutes.

Now, to find the standard deviation, we take the difference of E(t) (=1/3) and t, square it, and multiply by f(t), as we normally do.

The answer we get for the variance is 1/18, so the standard deviation is the square root of 1/18, or 0.2357 (about 14 minutes).
3. Rewriting the equation y = a + bx in matrix form, we get:

To solve for X, we need to multiply both sides by the adjoint of A. We already proved in class that the adjoint of A is the transpose of A (A* = AT). Therefore, ATAX = ATY.

We have 4a - b = 8 and -a + 9b = -11. This is a simple linear equation that equates to a = 61/35 and b = -36/35.

Click here for a maple script (pdf format) on calculating the best fit line for this problem.

4. The same method applies as in problem one. We rewrite the equation y = c + a*sin(Pi*t/6) + b*cos(Pi*t/6) as a matrix equation: AX = Y.

To solve for X, we need to multiply both sides by AT. Therefore, ATAX = ATY.

We have 3a = sqrt(3), 3b = 0.8, and 6c = 5.6. Therefore a = sqrt(3) / 3, b = 4/15, and c = 14/15.

Click here for a maple script (pdf format) on calculating the ocean tide.

5. First rewrite the original equation to fit a linear system.

On one side of the equation we want p multipled by something and e multiplied by something. Rewriting to fit this idea gives us this:

We can solve just as above then.

Therefore, we get p = 1.454 and e = 0.694.

Click here for a maple script (pdf format) on calculating the orbit of Tentax.

a) b) c) d)

7. Here are the four equations plotting x, y, log x, and log y together. Notice that the last one, plotting log x versus log y, is the most linear.

From the linear squares equations we get that in y = ax + b, a = 1.5063 and b = -1.6591. This equates to log(T) = 1.5063 log(r) - 1.6591. Solving for T, we get T = 0.02 r^(1.5063). Recall that these measurements are not exact; we therefore can assume that the exponent on r is 3/2, which equates to T^2 = r^3, Kepler's Law.

Click here for a maple script (pdf format) on calculating Kepler's law.

8. To find the weighted averages, we should add the number of arrivals together from both airlines:
 Alaska AirlineAmerica West
Destination% on timeTotal Flights% on timeTotal Flights
Los Angeles88.9137085.6 1370
San Diego91.468085.5680
San Francisco83.1105471.31054

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