Hints and solutions to Look for a pattern #9

If you add 6 rows to the bottom of the picture below, how many small triangles will you have altogether?

  • Well, you could draw the picture and try and count all the triangles, but it might be better to look for a pattern.
  • We're only counting little triangles here, so let's start by counting how many are in each row.
  • Looks like there is 1 triangle in the top row, then 3 in the second row, 5 in the third, and so forth.
  • In the picture so far, there are 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 triangles. This is the sum of the first four odd numbers and remember back to the very first POD, this is 42=16.
  • So if we add six more rows, we'll have the sum of the first 10 odd numbers, so the total number of small triangles will be 102 = 100.