Hints and solutions to Look for a pattern #3

Find these products: 7 x 9, 77 x 99, 777 x 999.
Predict the product for 77,777 x 99999.
What two numbers give a product of 77,762,223?

  • This is a "multiply it out" problem at least for the first few. I hope you could do the multiplications without a calculator! The first three are:
    • 7 x 9 = 63
    • 77 x 99 = 7,623
    • 777 x 999 = 776223
    Each time there's another 7 and another 2. The number of 7's and 2's is one less than the number of digits in each of the numbers we multiplied.

    So we expect 77,777 x 99,999 = 7,777,622,223, and we can verify that this is correct by multiplying it out.

    In order to get 77,762,223, we must multiply a number with four 7's by one with four 9's, so it is 7,777 x 9,999.