Hints and solutions to Guess and Check #2

Mary visited the Cherry Hill Mall. She bought a scarf for $5.00, spent 1/2 of her remaining money on jogging shoes, bought lunch for $2.00 , then spent 1/2 of her remaining money on a CD. She had $10.00 left. How much did she start with? (Also, how much did the jogging shoes and the CD cost?)

  • As for yesterday's problem, there are multiple approaches to this: a guess and check approach, a "work-backwards" approach (this would be nice to talk through so that students see the advantage of working back from an answer!), and an algebra approach.
  • The guess and check approach: Just guess how much money Mary had to begin with. Say she started with $50. Then after the scarf she would have $45, then she would spend $22.50 on the jogging shoes, leaving her with $22.50. After $2 for lunch, she's down to $20.50. She will spend half of this on the CD, leaving her with $10.25 - so our guess was pretty close, and just a little high. Adjust, and try again.
  • The work-back approach starts with the $10 and says - "this is half of the money Mary had before she bought the CD - so she had $20 before the CD". Then "un-buying" lunch gives her $22, which is half of what she had before the jogging shoes. So she had $44 before the shoes, then add the $5 for the scarf to see that she had $49 to begin with. And along the way, we discovered that the CD cost $10 and the shoes cost $22.
  • The algebra approach isn't so different - if x is how many dollars Mary started with, then the operations she did on her pocketbook amount to: ((x-5)*1/2-2)*1/2 (here, * means "multiply"). This leaves her with $10, so we have the equation ((x-5)/2 - 2)/2 = 10, which simplifies to (x-5)/2 - 2 = 20, then to (x-5)/2 = 22, then to (x-5)=44, and finally x=49.