Developments in Algebraic Geomery

In Directions Initiated by David Mumford

June 2, 2007, Providence, RI

Sponsored by Brown University, the Clay Mathematics Institute, and the National Science Foundation.


Five colloquium-style lectures on recent developments in algebraic geometry in directions initiated by David Mumford.

Speaker Affiliation Title Abstract
Valery Alexeev University of Georgia Compactification of moduli spaces
Igor Krichever Columbia University Integrable linear equations and Riemann-Schottky type problems abstract
Michael Rapoport University of Bonn Non-archimedean uniformization from Mumford to the present.
Vyacheslav Shokurov Johns Hopkins University Mumford's legacy in birational geometry. abstract
Ulrike Tillmann Oxford University Mumford's conjecture: A topological outlook abstract

Schedule (PDF file) and Abstracts (PDF file)

Conference Website at the Applied Math Division of Brown University

Organizing Commitee:

Financial support

Group photos: group photo 1, group photo 2.

More photos on June 2, 2007: VS1, VS2, UT, VA, IK

Photos at Castle Hill on June 1, 2007: group photo at Castle Hill, DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4, BM