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Title: The Decision Problem Author: Burton Dreben and Warren D. Goldfarb Publisher: Addison Wesley Publishing Company Title: The Theory of Finite Automata Author: Kobrinskii Trakhtenbrot Publisher: North-Holland Publishing Company Title: Introduction to Operator Theory I/Elements of Functional Analysis Author: Arlen Brown and Carl Pearcy Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Fermat's Last Theorem, A genetic introduction to Algebraic Number Theory Author: Harold M. Edwards Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Numerical Recipes, Example Book (C) Author: Vetterling, Teukolsky, Press & Flannery Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Numerical Recipes, Example Book (Fortran) Author: Vetterling, Teukolsky, Press & Flannery Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing Author: Press, Flannery, Teukolsky & Vetterling Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing Author: Press, Flannery, Teukolsky & Vetterling Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Fractals Everywhere Author: Michael Barnsley Publisher: Academic Press Title: The Fractal Geometry of Nature Author: Benoit B. Mandelbrot Publisher: W.H. Freeman and Company Title: Matrix Analysis Author: Roger Horn and Charles R. Johnson Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Funktionalanalysis und Numerische Mathematik Author: Collatz Title: Riemannian Geometry Author: Wilhelm Klingenberg Publisher: Walter de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics Title: Riemannian Geometry Author: S. Gallot, D. Hulin, J. Lafontaine Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Methods of Mathematical Physics, Volume I Author: R. Courant & D. Hilbert Publisher: Interscience Publishers Title: Methods of Mathematical Physics, Volume II Author: R. Courant & D. Hilbert Publisher: Interscience Publishers Title: Riemannian Geometry Author: Luther Pfahler Eisenhart Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Foundations of Differential Geometry, Volume I Author: Kobayashi and Nomizu Publisher: Interscience Publishers Title: Foundations of Differential Geometry, Volume II Author: Kobayashi and Nomizu Publisher: Interscience Publishers Title: Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order Author: D. Gilbarg and N.S. Trudinger Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Lecture Notes in Mathematics LeSpectre d'unc voviAtA Riemannienne Author: M. Berger, P. Gauduchon, E. Mazet Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Transcendental Numbers Author: Andrei B. Shidlovskii Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Ordinary Differential Equations Author: Herbert Amann Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Transformation Groups Author: Tammo tom Dieck Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Elementary Geometry in Hyperbolic Space Author: Werner Fenchel Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Nevanlinna Theory and Complex Differential Equations Author: Ilpo Laine Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Korovkin-type Approximation Theory and its Applications Author: Francesco Altomare/Michele Campiti Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds Author: V.G. Turaev Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Rational Iteration - Complex Analytic Dynamical Systems Author: Norbert Steinmetz Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Methods of Noncommutative Analysis Author: V.E. Nazaikinskii/V.E. Shatalov/B.Yu. Sternin Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Potential Theory of infinite-Diomensional Abelian Groups Author: Alexander Bendikov Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Probability Theory Author: Heinz Bauer Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Title: Theory of Lie Groups 1 Author: Claude Chevalley Publisher: Princeton University Press - 1946 Title: Introduction to the Arithemtic Theory of Automorphic Functions Author: Goro Shimura Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Undergraduate Algebra - Second Edition Author: Serge Lang Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Elliptic Curves Diophantine Analysis Author: Serge Lang Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves Author: Joseph H. Silverman Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory Author: Henri Cohen Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Algebraic Number Theory Author: Serge Lang Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Linear Algebra (An Introductory Approach) Author: Charles W. Curtis Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: The World's Most Famous Math Problem (The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and Other Mathematical Mysteries) Author: Marilyn vos Savant Publisher: St. Martin's Press, New York Title: A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, I Author: Michael Spivak Publisher: Publish or Perish, Inc. Title: A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, II Author: Michael Spivak Publisher: Publish or Perish, Inc. Title: A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, III Author: Michael Spivak Publisher: Publish or Perish, Inc. Title: A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, IV Author: Michael Spivak Publisher: Publish or Perish, Inc. Title: A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, V Author: Michael Spivak Publisher: Publish or Perish, Inc. Title: Topology (An Introduction to the Point-Set and Algebraic Areas) Author: Donald W. Kahn Publisher: The Williams & Wilkins Company Title: Introduction to Algebraic Topology Author: Emil Artin & Hel Braun Publisher: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company Title: An Introduction to Algebraic Topology Author: John W. Keesee Publisher: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company Title: Elements of Modern Topology Author: Ronald Brown Publisher: McGraw Hill Title: Commutation Properties of Hilbert Space Operators and Related Topics Author: C.R. Putnam Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Theory of Groups, Vol. I & II Author: A.G. Kurosh Publisher: Chelsea Publishing Company Title: Linear Algebra Author: Harold M. Edwards Publisher: Birkhauser Title: Modern Algebra, Vol. I & II Author: B.L. van der Waerden Publisher: Prederick Ungar Publishing Company Title: Linear Algebra and its Applications (Third edition) Author: Gilbert Strang Publisher: Saunders College Publishing Title: PoincarA Les mAthodes de la mAranigre cAleste Title: Automation of Reasoning, Vol. 1 & 2 Classical Papers on Computational Logic 67-70 Author: Ed. J. Siekmann, G. Wrightson Title: Elements of Abstract Harmonic Analysis Author: George Bachman Publisher: Academic Paperbacks Title: Differential Equations: Geometric Theory Author: Solomon Lefschetz Publisher: Interscience Publishers, Inc. Title: Functional Analysis, Vol. I Author: Kolmogorov and Fomin Publisher: Graylock Press Title: Real and Complex Analysis Author: Walter Rudin Publisher: McGraw Hill Book Company Title: Analytic Function Theory, Vol. I & II Author: Einar Hille Publisher: Ginn and Company Title: Lectures on Analysis, Vol. II - Representation Theory Author: Gustave Choquet Publisher: W.A. Benjamin, Inc. Title: The Elements of Real Analysis Author: Robert G. Bartle Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Title: Ordinary Differential Equations Author: Garrett Birkhoff and Gian-Carlo Rota Publisher: Blaisdell Publishing Company Title: Theory of Functions, Vol. I & II Author: C. Caratheodory Publisher: Chelsea Publishing Company Title: Measure and Integration Author: C. Caratheodory Publisher: Chelsea Publishing Company Title: Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis Author: Paul J. Cohen Publisher: W.A. Benjamin, Inc. Title: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers Author: Ivan Niven & Herbert S. Zuckerman Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Title: Measure Theory Author: Paul R. Halmos Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company Title: Lectures on Differential Geometry Author: Shlomo Sternberg Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Title: Geometry of Manifolds Author: Richard L. Bishop & Richard J. Crittenden Publisher: Academic Press Title: Differential and Riemannian Geometry Author: Detlef Laugwitz Publisher: Academic Press Title: Distance Geometry Author: Leonard M. Blumenthal Publisher: Oxford at the Clarendon Press Title: Notes on Differential Geometry Author: Noel J. Hicks Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company Title: A course of Pure Mathematics Author: G.H. Hardy Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Differential Geometry Author: H.W. Guggenheimer Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Title: The Geometry of Geodesics Author: Herbert Busemann Publisher: Academic Press, Inc. Title: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. III Author: Carl B. Allendoerfer Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Elements of Approximation Theory Author: Leopoldo Nachbin Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company Title: Theory of Functions, Part I Author: Konrad Knopp Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc. Title: Semigroups Author: E.S. Ljapin Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Algebra Author: Serge Lang Publisher: Addison Wesley Publishing Company Title: Algebraic Topology Author: Edwin H. Spanier Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company Title: The Topology of Fibre Bundles Author: Norman Steenrod Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Homotopy Theory Author: Sze-Tsen Hu Publisher: Academic Press Title: Functions of a Complex Variable Author: E.G. Phillips Publisher: Oliver & Boyd Title: The Theory of Groups Author: Marshall Hall, Jr. Publisher: The Macmillan Company Title: Theory of Retracts Author: Karol Borsuk Publisher: Polish Scientific Publishers Title: Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry Author: I.M. Singer and John A. Thorpe Publisher: Scott, Foresman and Company Title: Seminar on the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem Author: Richard S. Palais Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Foundations of General Topology Author: William J. Pervin Publisher: Academic Press Title: Analytic Topology Author: Gordon Thomas Whyburn Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Homological Algebra Author: Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: An Introduction to Algebraic Topology Author: Andrew H. Wallace Publisher: Pergamon Press Title: Theory and Examples of Point-Set Topology Author: John Greever Publisher: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company Title: Plateau's Problem Author: Frederick J. Almgren, Jr. Publisher: W.A. Benjamin, Inc. Title: Calculus on Manifolds Author: Michael Spivak Publisher: W.A. Benjamin, Inc. Title: Elements of Mathematics, General Topology, Vol. I, II, III, V, VIII & X Author: N. Bourbaki Publisher: Hermann Title: Lectures on Algebraic Topology (2 copies) Author: Marvin Greenberg Publisher: W.A. Benjamin, Inc. Title: Topological Spaces Author: H.J. Kowalsky Publisher: Academic Press Title: Foundations of Combinatorial Topology Author: L.S. Pontryagin Publisher: Graylock Press Title: Combinatorial Topology, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 Author: P.S. Aleksandrov Publisher: Graylock Press Title: Introduction to Topology Author: Solomon Lefschetz Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint Author: John W. Milnor Publisher: The University Press of Virginia Title: Elementary Differential Topology Author: James R. Munkres Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Topology Author: James Dugundji Publisher: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Title: General Topology Author: John L. Kelley Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Title: Dimension Theory Author: Witold Hurewicz and Henry Wallman Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Topology of 3-Manifolds and related topics Author: M.K. Fort, Jr. Publisher: Princeton-Hall, Inc. Title: Elements of General Topology Author: Sze-Tsen Hu Publisher: Holden-Day, Inc. Title: Elementary General Topology Author: Theral O. Moore Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Title: Homology Theory A first course in Algebraic Topology Author: Sze-Tsen Hu Publisher: Holden-Day, Inc. Title: Topology Author: John G. Hocking and Gail S. Young Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Title: Theory of Retracts Author: Sze-Tsen Hu Publisher: Wayne State University Press Title: Elementary Differential Topology Author: Munkres Title: Graph Theory and Its Applications Author: Bernard Harris Publisher: Academic Press Title: Naive Set Theory Author: Paul R. Halmos Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Title: Topics in Algebra Author: I.N. Herstein Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Title: Theory of Functions of a Real Variable, Vol. I Author: I.P. Natanson Publisher: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. Title: Differential Topology Author: Morris W. Hirsch Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Proofs and Types Author: Girard, Taylor and Lafont Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Semantics of Programming Languages, Structures & Techniques Author: Carl A. Gunter Publisher: The MIT Press Title: Abstract Algebra Author: I.N. Herstein Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Company Title: Abstract Algebra (Student's Solutions Manual) Author: I.N. Herstein Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Company Title: Complex Variables and Applications Author: Ruel V. Churchill and James Ward Brown Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company Title: Studies in Logic and The Foundations of Mathematics Combinatorial Set Theory: Partition Relations for Cardinals Author: Erdos, Hajnal, Mate and Rado Publisher: North-Holland Publishing Company Title: Lambda-Calcul types et modeles Author: Jean-Louis Krivine Publisher: Masson Title: Studies in Logic and The Foundations of Mathematics Logic Colloquium '69 Author: R.O. Gandy and C.M.E. Yates Publisher: North-Holland Publishing Company Title: A Mathematical Introduction to Logic Author: Herbert B. Enderton Publisher: Academic Press Title: The Theory of Functions (Second Edition) Author: E.C. Titchmarsh Publisher: Oxford University Press Title: A First Course in Abstract Algebra (Third Edition) Author: John B. Fraleigh Publisher: Addison Wesley Publishing Company Title: Elementary Number Theory Author: Edmund Landau Publisher: Chelsea Publishing Company Title: LISP 1.5 Primer Author: Clark Weissman Publisher: Dickenson Publishing Company, Inc. Title: Principles of Real Analysis Author: Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Owen Burkinshaw Publisher: North Holland Publishing Company Title: Sheaves in Geometry and Logic, A First Introduction to Topos Theory Author: Saunders MacLane and Leke Moerdijk Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Logic and Structure Author: D. van Dalen Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Functions of One Complex Variable (Second Edition) Author: John B. Conway Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Categories for the Working Mathematician Author: Saunders MacLane Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Algebra Author: Roger Godement Publisher: Hermann/Houghton Mifflin Company Title: Programming in Prolog (Third, revised and extended edition) Author: W.F. Clocksin and C.S. Mellish Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Turbo Prolog (The natural language of artificial intelligence) Author: Owner's Manual Title: Advanced Prolog, Techniques and Examples Author: Peter Ross Publisher: Addison Wesley Publishing Company Title: Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras Volume I - Elementary Theory Author: Richard V. Kadison and John R. Ringrose Publisher: Academic Press Title: Lectures on Rings and Modules Author: Joachim Lambek Publisher: Blaisdell Publishing Company Title: Logical Foundations of Functional Programming Author: Gerard Huet Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Title: Introduction to Higher Order Categorical Logic Author: J. Lambek and P.J. Scott Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Introduction to Combinators and _-Calculus Author: J. Roger Hindley and Jonathan P. Seldin Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Conformal Mapping Author: Zeev Nehari Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc. Title: Studies in Logic and The Foundations of Mathematics Constructivism in Mathematics, An Introduction Author: A.S. Troelstra and D. van Dalen Publisher: North-Holland Publishing Company Title: Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint Author: John W. Milnor Publisher: The University Press of Virginia Title: General Topology Author: John L. Kelley Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Categories for Types Author: Roy L. Crole Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Functional Analysis Author: Walter Rudin Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company Title: Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 30 Mathematical Applications of Category Theory Author: J.W. Gray Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Riemannian Geometry Author: Manfredo Perdigao Do Carmo Publisher: Birkhauser Title: Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups Author: Frank W. Warner Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Semi-Riemannian Geometry, With Applications to Relativity Author: Barrett O'Neill Publisher: Academic Press Title: Lectures in Abstract Algebra Author: Nathan Jacobson Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Algebra, Volume 1 Author: B.L. van der Waerden Publisher: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. Title: Bases in Banach Spaces I Author: Ivan Singer Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Counterexamples in Analysis Author: Bernard R. Gelbaum and John M.H. Olmsted Publisher: Holden Day Title: The Fractal Geometry of Nature Author: Benoit B. Mandelbrot Publisher: W.H. Freeman and Company Title: Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics Complete Theories Author: Abraham Robinson Publisher: North-Holland Publishing Company Title: The Principles of Mathematics Author: Bertrand Russell Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Title: Principles of Mathematical Logic Author: D. Hilbert & W. Ackermann Publisher: Chelsea Publishing Company Title: Introduction to Mathematical Logic Author: Alonzo Church Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Algebra Author: Michael Artin Publisher: Prentice Hall Title: Proceedings of the Auburn Topology Conference March 1969 Author: W.R.R. Transue Title: A Course of Analysis Author: E.G. Phillips Publisher: Cambridge at the University Press, 1962 Title: Advances in Linear Logic Author: Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont & Laurent Regnier (editors) Publisher: Cambridge University Press for London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 222 Title: Abelian l-Adic Representations and Elliptic Curves Author: Jean-Pierre Serre Publisher: W.A. Benjamin, Inc. Title: Beijing Lectures in Harmonic Analysis Author: E.M. Stein Publisher: Princeton University Press, Annals of Mathematics Studies Title: Profinite Groups, Arithmetic, and Geometry Author: Stephen S. Shatz Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces Author: M. Berger, B. Gostiaux Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Complex Analysis in One Variable Author: Raghavan Narasimhan Publisher: Birkhauser Title: Real Analysis - Modern techniques and their applications Author: Gerald B. Folland Publisher: Wiley - Interscience Title: Navier-Stokes Equations Author: Peter Constantin and Ciprian Foias Publisher: University of Chicago Press Title: The Geometry of Fractal Sets Author: K.J. Falconer Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: The Equidistribution theory of Holomorphic Curves Author: Hung-His Wu Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: A Course in Number Theory Author: H.E. Rose Publisher: Oxford University Press Title: Several Complex Variables Author: Raghavan Narasimhan Publisher: University of Chicago Press Title: Notes on Lie Algebras Author: Hans Samelson Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Invitation to Complex Analysis Author: R.P. Boas Publisher: Random House Title: Vertex Operator Algebras and the Monster Author: I. Frenkel, J. Lepowsky, A. Meurman Publisher: Academic Press Title: The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician Author: Andre Weil Publisher: Birkhauser Title: The Theory of Sheaves Author: Richard G. Swan Publisher: University of Chicago Press Title: Introduction to Probability Theory Author: P. Hoel, S.C. Port, C.J. Stone Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company Title: Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory Author: J.C. Baez, I.E. Segal, Z. Zhou Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Lectures on the Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem Author: Gerd Faltings Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Complex Abelian Varieties and Theta Functions Author: George R. Kempf Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Algebraic Curves Author: William Fulton Publisher: Addison-wesley Publishing Company Title: Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups Author: Robert J. Zimmer Publisher: Birkhauser Title: Essential Results of Functional Analysis Author: Robert J. Zimmer Publisher: University of Chicago Press Title: Ordinary Differential Equations Author: V.I. Arnold Publisher: M.I.T. Press Title: Seminar on Minimal Submanifolds Author: Enrico Bombieri Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Introduction to Knot Theory Author: Richard H. Crowell, Ralph H. Fox Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry Author: William M. Boothby Publisher: Academic Press, Inc. Title: Algebra Author: Thomas W. Hungerford Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Ordinary Differential Equations, fourth edition Author: Garrett Birkhoff/Gian-Carlo Rota Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Title: Intermediate Calculus, second edition Author: Murray H. Protter/Charles B. Morrey, Jr. Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Calculus, second edition Author: Michael Spivak Publisher: Publish & Perish, Inc. Title: Algebra, second edition Author: Serge Lang Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Title: Pearls in Graph Theory, A Comprehensive Introduction Author: Nora Hartsfield/Gerhard Ringel Publisher: Academic Press, Inc. Title: Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint Author: John W. Milnor Publisher: The University Press of Virginia Title: Number Fields Author: Daniel A. Marcus Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, second edition Author: Kenneth Ireland/Michael Rosen Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Finite Reflection Groups, second edition Author: L.C. Grove/C.T. Benson Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: An Invitation to Arithmetic Geometry Author: Dino Lorenzini Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces Author: Rick Miranda Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Representations of Finite and Compact Groups Author: Barry Simon Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Geometric Analysis on Symmetric Spaces Author: Sigurdur Helgason Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Surfaces of Nonpositive Curvature Author: Patrick Eberlein Publisher: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Title: Real Variables Author: John M.H. Olmstead Publisher: Appleton-Century-Crofts Title: Elements of Complex Variables Author: Louis L. Pennisi Publisher: Holt, Riehart & Winston Title: Principles of Mathematical Analysis Author: Walter Rudin Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company Title: Spectral Graph Theory Author: Fan R.K. Chung Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Local Fields Author: Marvin Jay Greenberg Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: On the Shoulders of Giants Author: Lynn Arthur Steen Publisher: National Academy Press Title: Lecture Notes in Mathematics - Le Spectre d'une Variete Riemannienne Author: Marcel Berger, Paul Gauduchon, Edmond Mazet Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Seminaire Bourbaki (20 volumes) Textes des Conferences 1954-1965, Exposes 101-294 2e edition, corrigee Publisher: Secretariat mathematique, Paris Title: Advanced Linear Logic Author: J.Y. Girard, Y. Lafont, L. Regnier Publisher: Cambridge University Press Title: Math into Latex An Introduction to Latex and AMSlatex Author: George Gratzer Publisher: Birkhauser Title: Latex Companion Title: Careers in Science and Engineering Publisher: National Academy Press Title: Erdos on Graphs - His Legacy of Unsolved Problems Author: Fan Chung and Ron Graham Publisher: A.K. Peters Title: Guide to UNIX Author: Peter Norton & Harley Hahn Publisher: Bantam Books Title: Algebraic Geometry Author: Robin Hartshorne Publisher: Springer-Verlag/World Publishing Corp., Beijing, China Title: Functions of One Complex Variable, Second Edition Author: John B. Conway Publisher: Springer-Verlag/World Publishing Corp., Beijing, China Title: A Course in Differential Geometry Author: Wilhelm Klingenberg Publisher: Springer-Verlag/World Publishing Corp., Beijing, China Title: Algebraic Topology: An Introduction Author: William S. Massey Publisher: Springer-Verlag/World Publishing Corp., Beijing, China Title: A Course in Functional Analysis, Second Edition Author: John B. Conway Publisher: Springer-Verlag/World Publishing Corp., Beijing, China Title: Topological Vector Spaces Author: H.H. Schaefer Publisher: Springer-Verlag/World Publishing Corp., Beijing, China Title: A Course in the Theory of Groups Author: Derek J.S. Robinson Publisher: Springer-Verlag/World Publishing Corp., Beijing, China Title: Algebraic Number Fields, Second edition Author: Gerald J. Janusz Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Analysis Author: Elliott H. Lieb/Michael Loss Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Introduction to Algebraic Curves Author: Phillip A. Griffiths Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Riemannian Geometry Author: Takashi Sakai Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Partial Differential Equations Author: Lawrence C. Evans Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Your the Professor, What Next Author: Bettye Anne Case Publisher: Mathematical Association of America Title: Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry Author: F. Hirzebruch Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Title: A First Course in Topology - an introduction to mathematical thinking Author: Robert A. Conover Publisher: The Williams & Wilkins Company Title: The Structure of Compact Groups Author: Karl H. Hofmann & Sidney A. Morris Publisher: Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1998 Title: Algebraic Geometry Author: Solomon Lefschetz Publisher: Princeton University Press Title: Structure of Algebras Author: A. Adrian Albert Publisher: American Mathematical Society Title: Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry Author: Dirk J. Struik Publisher: Addison-Wesley Press, Inc. Title: The Atiyah-Singer Theorem and Elementary Number Theory Author: F. Hirzebruchk, D. Zagier Publisher: Publish or Perish, Inc. Title: Lecture Notes in Mathematics - Harmonic Maps Author: Edited by A. Dold and B. Eckmann Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Mathematical Models (2 book set) Author: Gerd Fisher Publisher: Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Title: Intellectual Impostures Author: Alan Sokal & Jean Bricmont Publisher: Profile Books Title: Complex Variables with Applications Author: A. David Wunsch Publisher: Addison Wesley Publishing Company Title: Algebra Author: Mark Steinberger Publisher: PWS Publishing Company Title: Homotopietheorie Author: T. tom Dieck/K.H. Kamps - D. Puppe Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: K-Theory of Finite Groups and Orders Author: Richard G. Swan/E. Graham Evans Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Kan Extensions in Enriched Category Theory Author: Eduardo J. Dubuc Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar III Author: Barr, Berthiaume, Day, Duskin, Feferman, Kelly, MacLane, Tierney, Walters Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Kategorien und Funktoren Author: H.B. Brinkmann, D. Puppe Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Algebraic K-Theory Author: R.G. Swan Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Categorical Constructions in Stable Homotopy Theory Author: Myles Tierney Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Abelsche und exakte Kategorien, Korrespondenzen Author: H.B. Brinkmann, D. Puppe Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title: Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar Author: Benabou, Davis, Dold, Isbell, MacLane, Oberst, Roos Publisher: Springer-Verlag